Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Tracy Sattler passed away Sept. 25th

We have lost one of our golf buddies, he will be missed by all of us.

Visitation will be at Reeb's Funeral Home, Thursday, Sept. 29th from 2 til 8pm.

A number of us from our league will be at Reeb's around 5pm.

We will be making a memorial contribution to the St. Vincent DePaul Society thru
the Holy Trinity Catholic Church.

I will be collecting from those I see at the funeral home, we are asking for just $5 a member
or whatever you wish.

I will advise the Moose Lodge (Mike Binkowski) also if anyone from our league stops by the lodge
they can leave a donation to my attention (Tom Jameson, Golf league).

Thank you for your consideration.

Rest In Peace, Tracy.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Get Ready For 2016.. Our Meeting Is March 19th.. Be There !

Men’s Spuyten Duyval Golf League Meeting 2016

Meeting will be on Saturday March 19th at 1pm at the Moose Lodge. Rules and Policy for the year 2016 will be distributed at the meeting. The league fees ($50) and green fees ($320) will be due and collected at the meeting.

The Jigg's dinner at the Moose follows the meeting at 5pm, stick around, it's a good time.

The skin money for the year ($60) will also be collected. Please contact your golf partner and make sure you are both at the meeting.

A sign up sheet for additional members and substitutes will be posted at the lodge.

The league starts on Thursday, April 21st at 4:30 pm. If you have any questions contact
league secretary, Tom Jameson at 419-882-6067.